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Trauma Healing Initiative – Africa

Last updated: July 21, 2023

The Trauma Healing Initiative-Africa (THI-Africa) is working in eastern and central Africa to improve the quality of mental health services available to survivors of torture and war trauma. We are partnering with local professionals to build lasting healing programs in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya and Uganda.

CVT clinicians work directly with torture survivor rehabilitation centers in Cameroon, Uganda and Kenya, providing intensive training and supervision to strengthen each center’s clinical psychotherapy skills.

With the Department of Psychology at the University of Lubumbashi, DRC, we help students better prepare to serve torture survivors after graduation.

CVT provides direct counseling services to 1,000 torture survivors each year in Katanga Province, DRC. We also hire and train local psychosocial counselors to provide mental health services to these survivors.

With THI-Africa, our goal is to develop local expertise to sustain healing programs for the long term.

THI-Africa is funded by the European Union’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.