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Partners in Trauma Healing

Last updated: March 21, 2024

CVT Past Project

The Partners in Trauma Healing (PATH) project was in operation for many years, collaborating with torture rehabilitation organizations across the world, focusing on three areas: mental health treatment and healing, program evaluation and organizational development.

Partners in Trauma Healing (PATH) created a network of rehabilitation professionals who provided intellectual and emotional support for the difficult work of providing healing services to torture survivors. PATH worked with numerous centers over the years, focusing on three areas: mental health treatment and healing, program evaluation, and organizational development.

To support the mental health treatment and healing of survivors, the PATH project placed an experienced psychologist at each center to provide long-term training and mentoring. In addition, CVT Treatment and Healing Advisors provided consultation to counselors at each center throughout the duration of the project. The PATH project also held annual clinical training workshops for counselors from each center.

Program evaluation was an integral component for centers to document torture and provide effective services. The PATH project’s Monitoring and Evaluation Advisors helped partner centers to develop a detailed process for collecting and evaluating data.  They also provided expert consultations and trainings.

The PATH project Organizational Development Advisor worked with partner centers to develop sustainable strategies, enhance management practices and build fundraising skills.

Here are some of our partner torture rehabilitation centers we worked with:

Partners in Trauma Healing is made possible through the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development and the American peoples’ support.
