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Staff Wellbeing Training

Last updated: July 31, 2024
Ugandan staff

Staff wellbeing is at the heart of healthy organizations, especially in the helping professions. Without resilience and an ability to cope with societal, organizational and individual stress, helping professionals are at risk for:

• Burnout
• Compassion fatigue
• Secondary traumatic stress

Because these all impact the individual, the organization and the community as a whole, the Center for Victims of Torture has developed innovative training and support services that work to strengthen everyone within each of the organizational systems, all to create a healthier work environment.

CVT has an extensive history of providing support to professionals around the globe and across sectors. This expertise in tandem with our own experiences as staff responding to the realities of torture and severe human rights abuses has informed and shaped our unique staff wellbeing approach.

Our Approach

CVT approaches wellbeing and wellbeing development through three key areas:

Each of these building blocks is essential in creating a work environment and sustained movements for change.

In order to build a wellbeing support partnership, CVT puts dialogue and collaboration first. We always take context into account: All training and support services are tailored to your organizational, team and individual staff needs and we ensure that your wellbeing needs are understood before any training and support services begin.

Potential partners can expect:
• A multi-modal approach
• Building of mutual investment
• Collaborative learning across the organization
• Interactive exercises
• Spaces for dialogue

CVT’s approach to wellbeing support and training also includes the following fundamental components:

Training and Support Options: Building a Customized Package

Once a wellbeing partnership has been established, CVT will work with your organization to decide on the most impactful options for training and support. CVT can advise on length and style based on needs and concerns, and we will work together to build a customized package.
The customized package can include a range of activities such as:

Building Organizational Wellbeing

• Initial needs assessment
• Mapping community resources and referrals
• Guidance on staff care policies and practices

Building Team Wellbeing

• Workshops/trainings, such as: Introduction to self- and staff-care, Resilience-building, Trauma-informed care across the organization
• Facilitated small-group discussion sessions
• Critical incident stress management

Building Individual Wellbeing

• Guided ProQOL Assessment – The Professional Quality of Life Scales are used to assess key aspects of individual emotional health, specifically burnout, secondary traumatic stress and compassion satisfaction. Check out ProQOL here.
• Self-care coaching and consultation

Possible Training Topics

Workshops and small group discussion sessions are offered on the following topics:

•Introduction to self- and staff-care
•Trauma-informed care across the organization
•Individual self-care planning
•Staff-care for managers
•Supervision to support staff wellbeing
•Boundaries in the workplace
•Values, mission, & personal history in helping professions
•Responding to acute stressors in the field
•Grief and ambiguous loss (Advanced)
•Somatic and body-based interventions for wellbeing (Beginner and Advanced)
•Pain and chronic pain
•The nervous system & wellbeing
•Self-awareness and self-care (Advanced)

The availability of certain workshop topics may vary depending on trainer availability.

For More Information

Design of activities can be scheduled to meet the needs and schedules of your organization. Cost will be determined based on the package of activities agreed upon. For more details on our trainings and other offerings, please contact [email protected].