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Developing Capacity

Last updated: July 19, 2023

CVT works to develop capacity for local mental health care staff, so that these counselors contribute to the long-term mental health needs in their countries. CVT provides technical assistance and training to torture survivor rehabilitation centers in the U.S. and around the world to strengthen each center’s mental health services, organizational management and financial stability.

Helping Survivors Heal

CVT’s Helping Survivors Heal (HSH) project is a capacity development project designed to expand survivors’ access to quality, evidence-informed care. The HSH team focuses its work with global partner organizations in four areas:

  • Organizational Development to build effectiveness and sustainability.
  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Treatment, focused on the therapeutic interactions between providers and clients.
  • Service Management to build project, program, center and clinic management and administration.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning to help track service delivery and provide ongoing feedback for improvement.


The HealTorture site provides resources, eLearning and information to help professionals who work with survivors of torture in the United States. HealTorture is CVT’s National Capacity Building Project, offering training, technical assistance and resources to rehabilitation centers across the U.S.