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Building Resilience

Last updated: July 19, 2023

In order to grow and sustain movements over time, human rights defenders and professionals that support survivors need tools and skills to ensure they can continue doing difficult work.


CVT’s IDREAM project provides capacity development for human rights defenders (HRDs) working in exile and their organizations. IDREAM seeks to incubate a global network of HRDs in exile to identify novel solutions to common challenges, build solidarity, support each other through peer mentoring and resource-sharing, and decrease isolation.


The Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) tools and website are intended for those who work with people who have experienced traumatic events. This includes health care professionals, social service workers, teachers, attorneys, emergency response, and others who will benefit from understanding the impacts of their work on themselves. The tools on this site provide information about positive and negative aspects of helping those who experience trauma and suffering and can improve your ability to help them and keep your own balance.