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Movement Building

Last updated: July 26, 2024
Movement Building Illustration

We are part of a global movement to promote and protect human rights. Working with torture treatment providers and human rights defenders, our goal is to eradicate torture and ensure that all survivors receive effective, evidence-based care. Globally, we aim to strengthen civil society, help build the capacity of local partners, amplify the voices of survivors, and advance international justice. Our work is about more than just ending torture; it’s about creating a society where every person is treated with dignity and respect.

CVT engages in work to build the healing and justice movement in several ways, including the following:

Staff Wellbeing Training

Professionals need tools to take care of their wellbeing so they can continue doing difficult work. We provide specialized wellbeing training to help you and your organization thrive.

Building Resilience

In order to grow and sustain movements over time, human rights defenders and professionals that support survivors need methods to ensure they can continue doing difficult work.

Developing Capacity

CVT works to develop capacity for local mental health care staff, so that these counselors contribute to the long-term mental health needs in their countries. CVT provides technical assistance and training to torture survivor rehabilitation centers in the U.S. and around the world to strengthen each center’s mental health services, organizational management and financial stability. 

Training Activists

Through the New Tactics in Human Rights program, CVT promotes tactical innovation and strategic thinking within the international human rights community on various human rights issues. Through a vast network of workshops, publications and online discussions, local activists can share strategies and tactics that have worked elsewhere and apply them to new regions or issues.