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Social Work

Last updated: July 19, 2023

CVT’s models of care utilize interdisciplinary approaches to address complex needs and support whole-person healing. The work of our social workers is fully integrated with our physiotherapy and mental health counseling services, and fills a variety of beneficial roles. We have clinical social workers who provide mental health support services directly to clients in individual and group settings. We also have social workers who perform education and training, who support community capacity building efforts and who work with external partners (such as medical doctors) to teach trauma-informed care for refugees, asylum seekers and survivors.

Clients come to CVT programs in varying stages of vulnerability. We listen carefully to their needs through a trauma-informed, confidential interview process. Clients sometimes have many missing supports in their lives, such as housing, clothing, food, schooling or medical treatment. Our social workers make referrals to social services and support programs that can help fill those gaps. Multiple referrals are often needed; our social workers have deep knowledge of resources in and beyond their geographic locations and are able to bring together many partners to address clients’ complex and essential needs. Our social workers follow up with clients over a period of time, coordinating referrals and care until their situation has stabilized.

Physiotherapy and psychological care made improvements but I still needed more – the social work helped me.”

Former client from Iraq, seen at CVT Jordan

We know that clients who have urgent and unmet needs have little capacity to focus on their healing. Our social workers see over and over again the positive impact of providing this kind of support: it makes receiving therapies and healing so much more possible and leads to greater client well-being.