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Thomas's Story

Client seen at CVT St. Paul Healing Center, U.S.

Thomas was tortured multiple times due to allegations about his political beliefs.

He obtained a visa to come to the United States and is currently separated from his children. Thomas* was diagnosed with several medical conditions as a result of being beaten, dragged, whipped and other torture while he was detained.

Thomas was tortured multiple times due to allegations about his political beliefs.”

Thomas applied for asylum, but due to his immigration status he does not qualify for any public benefits and is not authorized to work. Unable to contribute to his host family, Thomas soon found himself homeless.

His circumstances and persistent health issues make it challenging for Thomas to meet his basic needs.

CVT has connected Thomas to medical care, nutritional food, numerous community resources and volunteer lawyers to assist with his asylum case.

Housing has been a persistent issue for Thomas and the primary barrier in his healing journey.

Despite this setback, Thomas is a resilient and determined individual. He is grateful for the medical care that CVT made possible and the new connections to his community through church and his English learning center. On the anniversary of his move to the United States, instead of focusing on the reason he fled, Thomas is thankful he found CVT and accessed the care that saved his life.

*Name and some details have been changed for safety and to protect confidentiality.

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