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Kidane's Story

Client seen at CVT Ethiopia-Tigray

My name is Kidane*. I was in the military service in Eritrea and planned to get an education after I served. However, the military had a problem with me and they beat me. They tortured me. My head was badly damaged, and I was severely beaten on my back. I had a lot of pain in my legs and was unable to work because of the torture.

I escaped to Ethiopia. When I got to the refugee camp, I was living a life of closed doors. I was isolated, always by myself. People noticed this, and they told me about CVT.

I got hope at my first session at CVT Ethiopia. I got to talk about what had happened and about my feelings. The experts there were very polite, even when I was crying.

CVT gave me a permanent medicine.”

CVT gave me a permanent medicine. Doctors can give you tablets to get rid of some problems. But at CVT, it is more. I have overcome the challenges.

Today, I see that tomorrow is another day. I watch for others in the camp who are living behind closed doors or who think that CVT is for the “insane.” Now I reach out to them, I speak LOUDLY and tell them – Get to CVT.

*Name and some details have been changed for safety and to protect confidentiality.

CVT’s work with Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia is funded by a grant from the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.

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