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Francine’s Story

Client at CVT Kenya-Kalobeyei

When you have a problem, you must share it. To get a solution, put your problem out to a discussion. Because of the education I received at CVT, now I feel good – I know I have other people I can lean on. I have also learned from CVT that sharing my problem can help others.

Now I understand about hope.

Before CVT I was not feeling well because I was thinking so many things about life in my home country because of all I went through. But currently I’m good because I got education in CVT. I can control my life and my body once again. After my first month at CVT, when I wasn’t at the center, my life was feeling very torn. But I got different skills from CVT, and I learned that it’s up to me – I can feel well. I’m happy now and I can talk to people.

I was in a bad place because of different problems in my homeland and also sicknesses that I had: typhoid, HIV, high blood pressure. Also because of the HIV, I just sat somewhere alone. I was not able to walk or do my domestic activities. I was always alone. But because CVT connected me, now I can take care of myself in my current life; I know how to organize and plan my daily activities.

Now I see that I have meaning as a human being.”

Before I was in a negative place, but now I know that people are here for me too.

I came to CVT because of what I heard in the community about their work – other people said to come and see. Now because I joined CVT I know how to share with other people. Now if I feel that my body is too weak, I just do the exercises we got at CVT. I understand about hope and to be passionate, for my life.

Now my life is so good: I’m still living, I’m still breathing. CVT takes this work as our parent. CVT is good, devoted people who give good counseling and exercises to people and help set things right in life.

Now I see that I have meaning as a human being. My mind is clearer and my body is now feeling strong. I can now do things others do.

*Name has been changed for security and confidentiality.

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