Expert Voices CVT Ethiopia on Navigating the Complexities of Sexual Violence, Transactional Sex and Forced Migration
Notes from the Ground An Ending to Great Work, Room for Even More: CVT Ethiopia-Amhara’s Alemwach Site Closure
Home StatementsCVT Joins Call for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza Published October 18, 2023 “We condemn all violence against civilians by Hamas and the Israeli military. In this critical moment, we believe it is imperative that U.S. policymakers take measures to immediately de-escalate the violence to prevent the further loss of civilian life,” write the authors of this letter which CVT joined.Together with more than 60 nongovernmental and interfaith organizations, we call on U.S. policymakers to bring about an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Gaza. The groups call on Congress and the Biden administration to:1) Publicly call for a ceasefire to prevent the further loss of life;2) Prioritize the protection of all civilians, including by urgently securing the entrance of humanitarian aid into Gaza and working to secure the release of hostages; and3) Urge all parties to fully respect international humanitarian law. We implore Congress and the Administration to abstain from rhetoric that exacerbates violence and to unequivocally condemn all violations of international law.Organizations:American Baptist Churches USAAmerican Friends Service CommitteeAmerican Muslims for PalestineAmericans for Justice in PalestineAuburn Theological SeminaryCenter for Civilians in ConflictCenter for Jewish NonviolenceCenter for Victims of TortureChurch of the Brethren, Office of Peacebuilding and PolicyChurches for Middle East PeaceCommon DefenseCouncil on Islamic-American RelationsDemand ProgressDemocracy for the Arab World NowEvangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaFellowship of ReconciliationFreedom ForwardFriends Committee on National LegislationGlobal Centre for the Responsibility to ProtectHistorians for Peace and DemocracyIf Not NowInstitute for Policy Studies New Internationalism ProjectInternational Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)Jewish Voice for Peace ActionJust Foreign PolicyJustice DemocratsLott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission ConventionMADREMaryknoll Office for Global ConcernsMennonite Central Committee U.S.Minnesota Peace ProjectMPower Change Action FundNational Council of ChurchesNational Iranian American CouncilNeighbors for PeaceNonviolent PeaceforcePax Christi USAPresbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public WitnessPeace ActionProject on Middle East DemocracyQuincy Institute for Responsible StatecraftQuixote CenterReThinking Foreign PolicyRobert F. Kennedy Human RightsRootsActionSojournersThe Duty LegacyThe Unitarian Universalist AssociationThe United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and SocietyThe Zomia CenterUnited Church of ChristUnited for Peace and JusticeUNRWA USAWomen for Weapons Trade TransparencyWorking Families PartyWorld BEYOND WarYemen Freedom CouncilYemen Relief and Reconstruction FoundationYemeni Alliance CommitteeShare this Statement Downloads Call for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza
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