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Twana Rahim
Country Director, CVT Iraq , International Services, Iraq Country Office

Twana Rahim has been leading CVT in Iraq since 2017. He helped establish and strengthen CVT’s programming and operations in Iraq, expanding the program’s in-country partnerships and vision. In addition to his experience in administrative and operational leadership, he has experience managing child protection and youth development programs with international organizations in Iraq, including STEP, Mercy Corps and Save the Children for more than 12 years, in both development and emergency contexts.

Twana holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Salahaddin/Erbil. He has training in a wide range of skills and areas, including human rights, child protection and child rights programming, foster care, psychosocial support (PSS) and resilience, therapeutic communication, leadership, MEAL, risk management, advocacy, and many more.