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Dr. Shannon Golden
Evaluation and Research Lead

Dr. Shannon Golden provides strategic leadership and technical oversight for evaluation and research related to CVT’s portfolio of justice and human rights programming. Since 2015, she has designed and implemented evaluations for dozens of human rights and humanitarian projects, including in Africa, the Middle East, and globally-focused projects. She designs and leads research projects and applied research initiatives within programs, specializing in developing survivor-centered, participatory and action-oriented approaches to this work. She regularly provides training, supervision and mentoring to evaluation and research teams. She has published work for both academic and practitioner audiences focused on torture, trauma rehabilitation, human rights and transitional justice. She has a Ph.D. in sociology and human rights from the University of Minnesota. Prior to joining CVT, she held research positions at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota and the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. Visit her ResearchGate profile here.