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Gebremedhin Tadesse
Counseling Supervisor , CVT Ethiopia, Tigray

Gebremedhin Tadesse had the chance to learn and observe intensive group counseling during a CVT internship program while he was a graduate student at Addis Ababa University from February to April, 2020. Later, he joined CVT as a counselor in April 2021 and then was promoted to his current position as counseling supervisor as of September 2022. He holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Addis Ababa University (July 2020) and a Bachler’s Degree in Psychology from Mekelle University (July 2011). He is certified and licensed as a chief counseling psychologist. Prior to joining CVT, Gebremedhin worked at International Organization for Migration (IOM) as a mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) counselor and provided MHPSS activities for the affected populations and internally displaced persons (IDPs) during Tigray’s crisis. Prior to that, he worked as a lecturer of psychology at Abbi-Addi College of Teachers’ Education, as a counselor at MSF-Holland, as a prevention officer at Organization for Social Service for AIDS (OSSA)-Ethiopia, and as a vocational guidance and counselor at Humera Polytechnic College respectively. Totally, Gebremedhin has more than 10 years professional work experience.

He was also trained in risk assessment and safety planning, psychological interventions for crises, care plan preparation for different cases, and implementing and monitoring MHPSS activities. He has completed and is certified on family therapy, peer outreach for young key populations at risk, psychiatric disorder and psychosocial support, and IT support service level I. He has been providing different kind of trainings and capacity building for stakeholders and implementation partners on psychological first aid (PFA), sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), self-care, staff care, burn out and stress management, and he also provides direct mental health activities and services for individuals and groups of affected people, both among refugees and IDPs. Likewise, Gebremedhin has been directing and supervising the mental health professionals and community mental health workers. Gebremedhin as person is sociable, committed to his responsibilities and curious to learn from whomever. He is always passionate and diligent to his career development and growth.