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U.S. Media Coverage of Gaza - Al Jazeera 360

Published January 10, 2025

Dr. Simon Adams, president & CEO, appeared on Al Jazeera 360 to discuss news media coverage and inaccurate narratives on the conflict in Gaza, as well as the role of journalists working in the conflict zones and the risks they face. Simon commented on the disconnect many people in the United States have between coverage by American outlets and what is reported by NGOs, the UN and Palestinians about the realities of targeted hospitals, homes and deaths of civilians and children in Gaza. He said this minimizes “the true horror of what is unfolding in Gaza.” In addition, he said that “murdering journalists has made it harder to get the story of what is happening in Gaza to a wider world. It has meant that the US media has tended to default to worn-out old narratives about Israelis and Palestinians.”


U.S. Media Coverage of Gaza


Al Jazeera 360

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