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Donor Advised Funds

Last updated: December 5, 2023

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a convenient and easy way to organize your charitable contributions. A DAF gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to CVT and other organizations you most care about. CVT does not directly manage donor-advised funds, however, they can be established at many financial institutions or community foundations. You can then recommend how much and how often money is granted.

Setting up a DAF qualifies you for a federal income tax charitable deduction when you make gifts to the fund—without immediately having to choose the charities you want to support. If you so choose, you can support a number of charitable organizations without having to keep track of your records for a number of separate contributions.

Making a Gift to the Center for Victims of Torture

  1. Be sure to use our legal 501(c)(3) name, “Center for Victims of Torture” and Federal Tax ID: 36-3383933 when making a grant through your DAF.
  2. Funds should be distributed to our address, at 2356 University Ave W., Ste 430, St. Paul, MN 55114.
  3. Ask your fund to include your name and address on the check sent from the fund so that we can properly thank you, ensure your benefits are current, and share the good news of how your support for The Center for Victims of Torture is making a difference.

How it Works

  1. You open a DAF with a community foundation, financial services firm, or other sponsoring organization. Some DAFs require a minimum gift to open your fund, although additional contributions may be less.
  2. You name your loved ones as your successor to continue to recommend grants to charitable organizations, or you can name CVT as a beneficiary to receive all or part of your account after your lifetime.
  3. You may make contributions to your fund at any time. It is common for contributors to add to a DAF at the end of the calendar year to maximize their tax situation.
  4. You qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction for each gift to your donor advised fund.
  5. While funds in DAFs are waiting to be distributed, the sponsoring organization invests that money and collects interest.
  6. You make recommendations that various amounts are channeled to charitable organizations of your choice, such as CVT.

Have Questions?

Please contact Laura Kuhlmann, Head of Donor Engagement, at [email protected].

The information found on this page is intended for informational purposes only. We recommend consulting with a trusted financial advisor before making decisions involving your estate.