CVT Logo 40th

Mission, Vision, Values

Last updated: July 19, 2023

CVT Mission

The mission of the Center for Victims of Torture is to heal the wounds of torture on individuals, their families and their communities and to end torture worldwide.

CVT Vision

The Center for Victims of Torture’s vision is a world without torture.

CVT Values

At the Center for Victims of Torture, every day we conduct our work with hope for a better future, with a goal of attaining human rights for all as described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Each of our core values flows from our strong sense of hope for a better world for survivors, for our stakeholders and for each other.

  • Hope

    We believe a better future is possible.

  • Human Dignity

    We commit to respecting the humanity of all people.

  • Integrity

    We commit to holding ourselves accountable, ensuring honesty and transparency.

  • Equity

    We commit to dismantling barriers to justice and advancing opportunities for all.

  • Two interlocked puzzle pieces.

    We commit to listening to, working with and learning from survivors and each other.

CVT’s Strategic Plan, 2023-25

The Center for Victims of Torture developed the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan below in order to build on our current work and maximize our impact as we continue to build an increasingly global organization. Please take a moment to read how we plan to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and pursue opportunities to work toward a future in which torture ceases to exist, human rights are universally respected and protected, and survivors have hope for a new life.